Embark on a whimsical journey through the enchanting realms of My Little Pony trivia challenge! Whether you’re a dedicated Brony, a casual fan, or simply intrigued by the vibrant lands where friendship is magic, this trivia is sure to sprinkle a dash of fun and challenge into your day. Explore 90 carefully crafted questions, diving into the colorful tales, quirky characters, and spectacular adventures that have captivated audiences around the globe. How well do you know Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and the rest of the Mane 6? It’s time to put your pony knowledge to the test and embark on a fantastic adventure through countless memories from Ponyville and beyond! Ready to gallop into the challenge?
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1. Who is the main protagonist in ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’? Reveal Answer Twilight Sparkle 2. Which pony represents the Element of Loyalty? Reveal Answer Rainbow Dash 3. What is Pinkie Pie’s favorite treat? Reveal Answer Cupcakes 4. Which character lives in a cottage near the Everfree Forest? Reveal Answer Fluttershy 5. What type of business does Rarity run? Reveal Answer A boutique 6. What is the name of Applejack’s little sister? Reveal Answer Apple Bloom 7. Which dragon is Twilight Sparkle’s assistant? Reveal Answer Spike 8. What is the name of the zebra that lives in the Everfree Forest? Reveal Answer Zecora 9. Which pony is known for saying ‘yay’ in a very soft voice? Reveal Answer Fluttershy 10. Who is the antagonist in the ‘My Little Pony: The Movie’ (2017)? Reveal Answer Tempest Shadow 11. Which pony has a butterfly cutie mark? Reveal Answer Fluttershy 12. What are the small, mischievous creatures that occasionally cause chaos in Equestria? Reveal Answer Parasprites 13. Who is the ruler of the Crystal Empire? Reveal Answer Princess Cadance 14. What magical creatures did Twilight and her friends turn into in the ‘Equestria Girls’ universe? Reveal Answer Humans 15. What is the name of Rainbow Dash’s pet tortoise? Reveal Answer Tank 16. Which pony is known for throwing parties? Reveal Answer Pinkie Pie 17. Who guards the gates of Tartarus? Reveal Answer Cerberus 18. What is the name of the city where Rarity’s boutique, Canterlot Carousel, is located? Reveal Answer Canterlot 19. Which character is known for saying ‘darling’ frequently? Reveal Answer Rarity 20. What is the name of the farm where Applejack and her family live? Reveal Answer Sweet Apple Acres 21. Which pony often mails letters using dragon fire? Reveal Answer Twilight Sparkle 22. Who is the spirit of chaos? Reveal Answer Discord 23. Which pony represents the Element of Honesty? Reveal Answer Applejack 24. Who is the older sister of Princess Luna? Reveal Answer Princess Celestia 25. What magical object did Twilight use to travel back in time? Reveal Answer Star Swirl’s spell 26. Which creature has the body of a lion and the head of an eagle? Reveal Answer Griffon 27. What is the winter holiday celebrated in Equestria? Reveal Answer Hearth’s Warming Eve 28. What kind of creature is Gilda? Reveal Answer Griffon 29. What is the name of the school that Twilight Sparkle founded? Reveal Answer School of Friendship 30. Which pony has a pet owl named Owlowiscious? Reveal Answer Twilight Sparkle 31. Which pony’s cutie mark is three diamonds? Reveal Answer Rarity 32. What are the creatures that feed on love? Reveal Answer Changelings 33. Who was the original leader of the Changelings? Reveal Answer Queen Chrysalis 34. Which pony often exclaims ‘Eeyup’? Reveal Answer Big Macintosh 35. What is the name of the holiday where ponies play tricks on each other? Reveal Answer April Foals’ Day 36. What is the occupation of Maud Pie? Reveal Answer Geologist 37. Who wrote the ‘Daring Do’ book series? Reveal Answer A.K. Yearling 38. Which character can only speak by blowing bubbles? Reveal Answer Sea Breezie 39. What are the powerful artifacts that the Mane 6 use to defend Equestria? Reveal Answer Elements of Harmony 40. What is the name of the pony who is in charge of Equestria’s weather? Reveal Answer Rainbow Dash 41. Who sells quills and sofas in Ponyville? Reveal Answer Davenport 42. Which character often calls Spike ‘Spikey-wikey’? Reveal Answer Rarity 43. What is the name of the magic-filled forest near Ponyville? Reveal Answer Everfree Forest 44. Which pony loves to play the cello? Reveal Answer Octavia Melody 45. What is the name of the traditional race held in Ponyville? Reveal Answer Running of the Leaves 46. What type of creature is Cranky Doodle Donkey’s significant other? Reveal Answer A mule 47. Which pony did the ‘Flutterbat’ transformation? Reveal Answer Fluttershy 48. What does the ‘CMC’ stand for? Reveal Answer Cutie Mark Crusaders 49. What creature is Lord Tirek? Reveal Answer Centaur 50. Which pony is known for having an hourglass cutie mark? Reveal Answer Doctor Whooves 51. Who is the Princess of the Night? Reveal Answer Princess Luna 52. Which pony is afraid of quesadillas? Reveal Answer Pinkie Pie 53. What is the name of the desert outside Equestria where cacti grow? Reveal Answer Badlands 54. Which two ponies run the Day Spa in Ponyville? Reveal Answer Aloe and Lotus Blossom 55. Who is the keeper of the Canterlot Archives? Reveal Answer Moon Dancer 56. Which character always carries a brown satchel? Reveal Answer Daring Do 57. What fruit is Zap Apple Jam made from? Reveal Answer Zap Apples 58. Which pony uses the saying ‘Ten seconds flat’? Reveal Answer Rainbow Dash 59. What is the full name of DJ Pon-3? Reveal Answer Vinyl Scratch 60. Which creature from Tartarus almost tricks Twilight and her friends? Reveal Answer Bugbear 61. Who leads the Wonderbolts? Reveal Answer Spitfire 62. What is the name of Pinkie Pie’s sister who works on a rock farm? Reveal Answer Maud Pie 63. Which pony does the voiceover for the introduction to ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’? Reveal Answer Twilight Sparkle 64. What does Rainbow Dash nickname Zephyr Breeze due to his laziness? Reveal Answer Zephyr Nada 65. Which character becomes Princess Twilight’s pupil? Reveal Answer Starlight Glimmer 66. What are Princess Cadance and Shining Armor’s daughter’s full name? Reveal Answer Flurry Heart 67. What kind of animal is Angel? Reveal Answer Bunny 68. Who says the line ‘Okie Dokie Lokie!’? Reveal Answer Pinkie Pie 69. What is the color of the magic aura when Twilight Sparkle uses her unicorn magic? Reveal Answer Purple 70. What magical place do Twilight and her friends visit in ‘The Best Gift Ever’? Reveal Answer The Kirin Village 71. Which pegasus pony always wears aviator goggles? Reveal Answer Derpy 72. Which character is known for baking muffins? Reveal Answer Derpy 73. Who gives Twilight Sparkle her wings? Reveal Answer Princess Celestia 74. What object is used to help Big Macintosh speak in ‘Brotherhooves Social’? Reveal Answer Voice amplifier 75. Which pony represents the Element of Generosity? Reveal Answer Rarity 76. Which place is known as the origin of the Windigos? Reveal Answer Frozen North 77. Which villain is reformed with the help of the magic of friendship in the series finale? Reveal Answer Discord 78. Who steals the Elements of Harmony in the ‘Return of Harmony’? Reveal Answer Discord 79. Which potion did Zecora make to assist Apple Bloom in ‘Bridle Gossip’? Reveal Answer Heart’s Desire 80. What is the superhero alias of Twilight Sparkle? Reveal Answer Masked Matter-Horn 81. Who is Scootaloo’s idol? Reveal Answer Rainbow Dash 82. Who claims to be ‘the fastest flyer in all of Equestria’? Reveal Answer Rainbow Dash 83. Who is Trixie’s biggest fan and assists her in the ‘Magic Duel’ episode? Reveal Answer Snips 84. What does Applejack call her grandmother? Reveal Answer Granny Smith 85. Which pony does Twilight Sparkle have a brotherly-sisterly relationship with? Reveal Answer Shining Armor 86. Who is known for his overly dramatic way of speaking and acting? Reveal Answer Flim Flam 87. Who creates a ‘want it, need it’ spell that causes chaos in Ponyville? Reveal Answer Twilight Sparkle 88. Which character becomes the ‘Mare Do Well’ to teach Rainbow Dash a lesson? Reveal Answer Twilight Sparkle 89. Who are Twilight Sparkle’s parents? Reveal Answer Twilight Velvet and Night Light 90. Which character is the editor-in-chief of the Foal Free Press? Reveal Answer Diamond Tiara Sharing is Caring: