Welcome to the enchanting world of Peter Pan trivia! In this collection of 69 captivating questions and concise answers, we delve into the timeless adventures of J.M. Barrie’s beloved characters. Explore the magical realm of Neverland, meet the mischievous Peter Pan, brave Captain Hook, and the charming Darling children, Wendy, John, and Michael. Test your knowledge of this classic tale, from the lost shadows to the ticking crocodile, as we journey through the pages of this timeless story. Whether you’re a devoted fan or a curious newcomer, get ready to embark on a journey to the second star on the right and straight on till morning as we uncover the secrets and wonders of “Peter Pan”!
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1. Who is the author of ‘Peter Pan’? Reveal Answer J.M. Barrie 2. In what year was the play ‘Peter Pan’ first performed? Reveal Answer 1904 3. What is the name of Wendy’s younger brother? Reveal Answer John 4. Which character loses his shadow? Reveal Answer Peter Pan 5. Who is the pirate captain Peter Pan often battles? Reveal Answer Captain Hook 6. What is Captain Hook’s ship called? Reveal Answer The Jolly Roger 7. Who is the fairy that accompanies Peter? Reveal Answer Tinker Bell 8. What is the island called where Peter Pan lives? Reveal Answer Neverland 9. Which animal is always after Captain Hook? Reveal Answer Crocodile 10. What do children need to fly in the story? Reveal Answer Fairy dust and happy thoughts 11. What is Wendy’s last name? Reveal Answer Darling 12. Who are the indigenous tribe Peter interacts with? Reveal Answer The Lost Boys 13. Who is the Indian princess in Neverland? Reveal Answer Tiger Lily 14. Which character is known for ticking? Reveal Answer The Crocodile 15. Who saves Tiger Lily from drowning? Reveal Answer Peter Pan 16. What does Captain Hook fear more than the crocodile? Reveal Answer The sound of the ticking clock 17. What animal is Nana? Reveal Answer A dog 18. Where do the Darling children live? Reveal Answer London 19. Which hand did Captain Hook lose? Reveal Answer Left hand 20. Which bird did Peter Pan say Wendy’s kiss was like? Reveal Answer Thimble 21. Who is the oldest of the Darling children? Reveal Answer Wendy 22. Who sings the song ‘Following the Leader’? Reveal Answer John and the Lost Boys 23. What does Captain Hook use to lure Peter Pan into a trap? Reveal Answer Tinker Bell 24. Who sews Peter Pan’s shadow back on? Reveal Answer Wendy 25. What is the color of Peter Pan’s hat? Reveal Answer Green 26. How many Darling children are there? Reveal Answer Three 27. Who does Wendy tell bedtime stories to in Neverland? Reveal Answer The Lost Boys 28. Who tries to poison Peter Pan’s medicine? Reveal Answer Captain Hook 29. Which character is a skylight-cleaning fairy? Reveal Answer Tinker Bell 30. What makes Tinker Bell come back to life? Reveal Answer Believing in fairies 31. Which character can imitate others’ voices? Reveal Answer Peter Pan 32. Who is the youngest Darling child? Reveal Answer Michael 33. Who is Peter Pan’s main enemy? Reveal Answer Captain Hook 34. Where does Peter Pan take Wendy and her brothers? Reveal Answer Neverland 35. Who is jealous of Wendy’s relationship with Peter? Reveal Answer Tinker Bell 36. Who wants to grow up and leave Neverland? Reveal Answer The Lost Boys 37. What does Peter Pan play to alert the Lost Boys? Reveal Answer Pan flute 38. Who looks after the Lost Boys in Peter’s absence? Reveal Answer Wendy 39. What does Captain Hook want from Peter Pan? Reveal Answer Revenge 40. Who does Captain Hook capture to bait Peter Pan? Reveal Answer Tiger Lily 41. What’s the one thing Peter Pan has never experienced? Reveal Answer Growing up 42. Who teaches the Darling children to fly? Reveal Answer Peter Pan 43. Where is Neverland located? Reveal Answer Second star to the right and straight on till morning 44. What does Peter Pan consider ‘a big adventure’? Reveal Answer Death 45. Who guards the entrance to the Lost Boys’ underground home? Reveal Answer A tree 46. Why is Tinker Bell initially hostile towards Wendy? Reveal Answer Jealousy 47. Who does Peter Pan say taught him to fly? Reveal Answer Birds 48. Which character can’t remember his parents? Reveal Answer Peter Pan 49. What does Wendy give Peter Pan as a kiss? Reveal Answer An acorn button 50. Who are Captain Hook’s crew? Reveal Answer The Pirates 51. Who says, ‘I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!’? Reveal Answer Wendy 52. How does Peter Pan save Wendy from walking the plank? Reveal Answer Catches her in mid-air 53. Who is the first to sign up to return to the real world with Wendy? Reveal Answer Tootles 54. How do the Darling children wake up after their adventure? Reveal Answer In their own beds 55. Who rescues the Darling children from the pirates? Reveal Answer Peter Pan 56. How does Peter Pan describe Neverland? Reveal Answer The place where dreams are born 57. Who does Peter Pan say is his best friend? Reveal Answer Tinker Bell 58. Who becomes the new leader of the Lost Boys when they return to London? Reveal Answer John 59. Why does Captain Hook have a hook for a hand? Reveal Answer Peter Pan cut off his hand 60. Who is often seen carrying a teddy bear in Neverland? Reveal Answer Michael 61. Who tells Peter Pan about the ‘kiss’ Wendy gave him? Reveal Answer Tinker Bell 62. What is the name of the lagoon in Neverland? Reveal Answer Mermaids’ Lagoon 63. How does Peter Pan announce his presence? Reveal Answer With his signature crow 64. Who says, ‘Oh, the cleverness of me!’? Reveal Answer Peter Pan 65. What does Wendy want to do for the Lost Boys in Neverland? Reveal Answer Be their mother 66. Who is considered the ‘wise’ Lost Boy? Reveal Answer Tootles 67. Who plays the role of father in the games in Neverland? Reveal Answer John 68. How does Peter Pan refer to his shadow? Reveal Answer The other me 69. What does Captain Hook leave with the captured Tiger Lily? Reveal Answer An hourglass Sharing is Caring: