Dive into the magical world of Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, and the enchanting kingdom of Corona with our curated Tangled trivia questions! Whether you’re a lifelong fan or just discovering this Disney gem, these 72 questions promise a delightful journey filled with fun facts, surprises, and cherished memories from the film. So, grab your frying pan (just kidding!) and get ready to test your knowledge on this animated masterpiece. Let’s see if you can untangle all the answers!
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1. Who is the main female protagonist in ‘Tangled’? Reveal Answer Rapunzel 2. Who is the male character that helps Rapunzel escape the tower? Reveal Answer Flynn Rider 3. What is the real name of Flynn Rider? Reveal Answer Eugene Fitzherbert 4. Who is the main antagonist in the film? Reveal Answer Mother Gothel 5. Why does Mother Gothel keep Rapunzel in the tower? Reveal Answer Rapunzel’s hair has healing powers 6. What is the color of Rapunzel’s magic hair? Reveal Answer Golden blonde 7. Which animal character acts as Rapunzel’s sidekick? Reveal Answer Pascal 8. Who is the captain of the guard’s pet? Reveal Answer Maximus 9. What is unique about Rapunzel’s hair, apart from its length? Reveal Answer It glows when she sings 10. How does Mother Gothel maintain her youth? Reveal Answer By singing to Rapunzel’s hair 11. What is Rapunzel’s dream? Reveal Answer To see the floating lanterns 12. What is the kingdom’s name in ‘Tangled’? Reveal Answer Corona 13. What event is celebrated with floating lanterns in the kingdom? Reveal Answer The lost princess’s birthday 14. Which song does Rapunzel sing to make her hair glow? Reveal Answer Healing Incantation 15. What is the pattern that frequently appears throughout the movie and represents the sun? Reveal Answer The kingdom’s crest 16. What happens to Rapunzel’s hair after it’s cut? Reveal Answer It turns brown and loses its power 17. How does Flynn Rider describe his nose in his wanted posters? Reveal Answer They always get it wrong 18. What item does Flynn steal that sets the movie’s events into motion? Reveal Answer The lost princess’s crown 19. Who voices Rapunzel in the movie? Reveal Answer Mandy Moore 20. Who voices Flynn Rider? Reveal Answer Zachary Levi 21. What type of establishment does Rapunzel find herself in with a group of rugged individuals? Reveal Answer The Snuggly Duckling 22. Which song is sung in The Snuggly Duckling? Reveal Answer I’ve Got a Dream 23. How do the thugs in The Snuggly Duckling describe themselves? Reveal Answer With misunderstood dreams 24. What does Mother Gothel give Rapunzel on her 18th birthday? Reveal Answer A white paint 25. What is Pascal’s primary color? Reveal Answer Green 26. Which character does Flynn Rider initially distrust but eventually befriend? Reveal Answer Maximus 27. What does Rapunzel hit Flynn with when they first meet? Reveal Answer A frying pan 28. What is Mother Gothel’s famous phrase to Rapunzel? Reveal Answer Mother knows best 29. Who rescues Flynn from being captured midway in the movie? Reveal Answer Rapunzel 30. Why doesn’t Rapunzel initially leave the tower? Reveal Answer Mother Gothel tells her the world is dangerous 31. How often does Rapunzel sing the healing song to Mother Gothel? Reveal Answer Daily 32. Which song does Rapunzel sing about her daily routines? Reveal Answer When Will My Life Begin? 33. How does Mother Gothel always start her healing song? Reveal Answer Flower, gleam and glow 34. What game does Rapunzel play with Pascal in the tower? Reveal Answer Hide and seek 35. What do the lanterns symbolize for the King and Queen? Reveal Answer Hope for their lost daughter’s return 36. Who captures Flynn when he goes to meet the Stabbington Brothers? Reveal Answer The royal guards 37. How do Rapunzel and Flynn escape the flooded cave? Reveal Answer Rapunzel’s glowing hair shows a way out 38. Why can’t Mother Gothel just cut Rapunzel’s hair and take it? Reveal Answer It loses its power when cut 39. What do the thugs in The Snuggly Duckling help Rapunzel and Flynn avoid? Reveal Answer The royal guards 40. Which song is about Flynn Rider’s backstory? Reveal Answer The Tale of Flynnigan Rider 41. How does Flynn show Rapunzel he loves her at the end? Reveal Answer He cuts her hair to save her from Mother Gothel 42. What is the final fate of Mother Gothel? Reveal Answer She ages rapidly and turns to dust 43. Which two characters share a mutual dislike for each other but later become friends? Reveal Answer Flynn and Maximus 44. What does Rapunzel request from Flynn when they’re trapped in the cave? Reveal Answer To take her to see the lanterns 45. Which character is known for being overly dramatic? Reveal Answer Mother Gothel 46. Who tries to betray Flynn for the reward money? Reveal Answer The Stabbington Brothers 47. Who reunites Rapunzel with her real parents? Reveal Answer Flynn Rider 48. Where do Rapunzel and Flynn first watch the floating lanterns? Reveal Answer On a boat 49. What causes Rapunzel’s hair to lose its magic? Reveal Answer Being cut 50. Why does Flynn refuse the crown after stealing it? Reveal Answer He values Rapunzel’s freedom more 51. What is Maximus’s primary duty? Reveal Answer Capturing Flynn Rider 52. What do the floating lanterns look like from afar? Reveal Answer A starry night sky 53. Why does Rapunzel not recognize the kingdom’s crest? Reveal Answer Mother Gothel kept her isolated 54. Who tries to convince Rapunzel that Flynn doesn’t care about her? Reveal Answer Mother Gothel 55. Where does Flynn take Rapunzel after escaping from The Snuggly Duckling? Reveal Answer To the kingdom’s town 56. How does Flynn realize Rapunzel’s true identity? Reveal Answer Her story and the lanterns 57. What does Flynn say when he gives up thieving? Reveal Answer I have something worth more than gold 58. How many years was Rapunzel kept in the tower? Reveal Answer 18 years 59. Where do Flynn and Rapunzel share their first kiss? Reveal Answer On a boat, during the lantern scene 60. What does Flynn’s satchel contain? Reveal Answer The stolen crown 61. Who warns Rapunzel that Flynn is not to be trusted? Reveal Answer Mother Gothel 62. Who ties up Flynn Rider inside the tower near the end? Reveal Answer Mother Gothel 63. What does Mother Gothel use to climb Rapunzel’s tower? Reveal Answer Rapunzel’s hair 64. What do the villagers do when they recognize Rapunzel? Reveal Answer Celebrate and dance 65. Who first realizes the connection between the lost princess and Rapunzel? Reveal Answer Flynn Rider 66. Where is the kingdom’s crest often displayed in Rapunzel’s tower? Reveal Answer On her paintings 67. What does Flynn do that angers Maximus the most? Reveal Answer Steal the crown 68. Which song is about Rapunzel’s dream of leaving the tower? Reveal Answer When Will My Life Begin? 69. Who confronts Flynn when he’s trying to make a deal with the Stabbington Brothers? Reveal Answer Maximus 70. What color is Rapunzel’s dress? Reveal Answer Purple 71. Who is often seen munching on apples? Reveal Answer Maximus 72. What does Flynn say every time he’s about to embark on an adventure? Reveal Answer Here comes the smolder
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